I made a thing!

Hey Y’all!It’s been a hot minute since I updated this site, but between then and now I have made a Patreon page where I am posting frequently as well as offering one-on-one video and in-person lessons.If you’re interested in keeping up with me and what I’m up to, hop on over to Jess Finley on…

Shoes and gait and fencing… oh my!

There has been a lot of talk about walking gaits and medieval people. When you consider possible medieval gaits, know that we have wear patterns on shoes as evidence of how people walk(ed). I think it is important to remember that this evidence is not easily deciphered, and one paper doesn’t make science, but an…

Gripping Jackets

For some reason, the idea that historical ringen is a “jacketed system” is controversial.  Time and time again, this discussion is brought up and debated.  Anyone who has been following my work for any amount of time knows that I think it’s jacketed, even in the early ringen (15c).  I concede that when you look…

Glasgow and those silly badges

Here in the hot and humid south, I’ve been mulling over a question for some time.  Just what are those badges on the arm of the “winning” man in the Glasgow Manuscript (MS E.1939.65.341)?  If you’ve never spent much time with this particular manuscript it is possible you haven’t noticed it. Throughout the manuscript, but…

A book?

I’ve had a few reseach projects in the works for some time, particularly regarding HEMA, though some of them are more on the historical fabric armor front.  I’ve published some of those ideas here, but most of the theses, and the supporting evidence, remain in my mind, only expressed by word of mouth.  I think,…

Been quiet – but working

Hello faithful readers!   Sorry to have been so quiet, I’m sure I’ve broken a number of Blogging rules by not overwhelming you with “new content”, but I simply don’t work that way. Instead, like a farmer’s field, I can produce my best work in fits and starts.   I need time for ideas to…

Train the Trainer online videos

A request that comes up time and time again goes something like this: “Hey guys, I am in the middle of nowhere, there is not a HEMA club for miles (or hours), and I want to do this. How do I start? How do I train and get people to train with me?” A project…

HROARR Article

For at least two years I have had a pet theory regarding the four guards (vier leger) of Liechtenauer’s leger, but until recently, didn’t have enough evidence to back it up beyond a gut feeling. I’ve put together my thoughts and research – and thanks to HROARR it has now been published! Please, read, enjoy,…

A Solid Foundation: Wrestling from Many Sources

One thing I am frequently asked by people in the HEMA community is regarding a “general wrestling curriculum.”  These are often people with very little wrestling experience, such that they don’t feel confident to jump into sources and if they were to do so, how to understand these throws in context. In 2014 I gave…

Vor Griff

I spent some time today meditating on the ideas of Vor and Nach and how one should use these tactically in wrestling.  I’ve often considered them very simplistically, for example, a throw being performed in the Vor, a counter being performed from the Nach, and with a combination being a way to maintain the Vor with an…